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Plugin FAQs
One Click Upsell Funnel for WooCommerce
Are Funnel offers Customizable at the back-end?
Can I add additional products to the upsell offer page?
Can I add custom fields to the upsell offer page?
Can I design an upsell offer page if i don't have a designer?
Can I design an upsell offer page with zero technical knowledge?
Can I make a custom upsell offer page with any page builder?
Can I offer an upgrade product to my customers after checkout?
Can I offer multiple upsell offers in a single funnel?
Can I preset a minimum cart amount on which the funnel should trigger?
Can I show an upsell offer as per the buyer’s behavior?
Can I show two or more offers at the same time ?
Can I show two or more offers at the same time?
Can I track the performance of my Upsell Funnels?
Can I upsell the subscription products with upsell?
Can your plugin work in my native language?
Do we require paypal reference transaction enabled?
Does the customer need to enter the payment detail again to purchase the upsell product?
Does the plugin support Stripe official?
Does upsell work nicely with GTM4WP?
For which order status does the upsell offer don’t appear?
How can I use Custom Page Shortcodes for BUY NOW and NO THANKS?
I installed the plugin, created funnels and added the offers too but still, it does not show up on purchasing the funnel targets, why?
I want my Upsell Offer to always trigger no matter what target product people choose.
I want my Upsell Offer to trigger always, no matter what target product people choose?
I want to offer an Upgrade to my customers after checkout. Is this possible?
Is it Stripe Official and Stripe One Click are the same ?
Is my Payment Gateway compatible with your Upsell plugin?
Is there any free version for this Upsell plugin?
What are shortcodes & how are they beneficial?
What are the payment methods supported by WooCommerce upsell plugin?
What are the payment methods that this plugin supports?
What if I’m using a redirection-based payment gateway such as Paypal or CardCom?
What is the difference between Exclusive Offer and Smart Skip If Already Purchased?
What page builders does this Upsell plugin support?
What Product types does one click upsell funnel plugin support?
What types of Products does this plugin supports?
Which plugins are compatible with the Upsell plugin?
Why does Global Funnel and Smart Offer Upgrade not work at the same time?
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Gift Cards for WooCommerce
Can a customer recharge an existing gift card coupon code?
Can gift recipients walk in with downloaded products/pdf/email with code etc?
Can I manually create a Gift card and send it to a customer?
Can I use my own coupon code rather than the predefined one?
Can we set the minimum price for user price type?
Can we show a purchase date in the Gift card template?
Does your plugin have a feature where admin can Import/Export Gift Card Details?
How a customer can transfer the coupon amount into their wallet?
How can customers check the remaining balance of the WooCommerce gift cards?
How can customers redeem the gift card at the online store?
How can I list all the Gift Cards on a particular page?
How can I manual make coupon code as giftcard?
How can I turn off any Barcode/QRcode from being sent?
How can I use a Gift card redeem link?
How do we recharge the coupon of the giftcard?
How should I track the usage of the Gift cards?
How to Add a custom field on the gift card product edit page?
How to add Custom Shortcode to the Gift Card email template?
How to save custom field data on a gift card edit page?
How to send a copy of the gift template to other’s email id or to admin as well?
How would we deduct the Voucher Amount? Can this be done from the website wordpress admin area?
I bought the pro version of Ultimate WooCommerce Gift Cards. Will I be able to apply discounts on gift cards? For example, sell a GC valued on 39$ for 30$.
I need to assign a Tax class for particular giftcard product. Can I do so with your extension?
I want to sell gift card via Shipping or Email or Downloadable method. How can i do that?
Is it possible that customer can transfer the Gift Card coupon amount into the wallet?
Is it possible to allow store managers to generate offline giftcards or do I need to upgrade them to a different access level?
Is it possible to disable the left amount coupon mail?
Is it possible to display the delivery method on the gift card template?
Is it possible with your plugin that we can hide the message and From field?
Is there any option to resend a Gift card if the customer didn’t receive it at first?
Is there any options that user can chose if they want to send the gift card to the recipient by email or by postal ? If no, could you please give me.
Is there anyway to turn off the “Upload Image”?
Is your plugin WPML Compatible and support multiple languages?
Possibility to change amount of shipping costs via coupon?
User can send their Giftcard scheduled later?
We could set up a card for each service or product?
When i try to buy a gift card it does not send one to the mail that i wrote and no coupon is generated?
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RMA Return Refund & Exchange for WooCommerce
Can a customer and admin communicate while processing a refund request ?
Can admin enable a single refund/exchange request per order?
Can admin limit the number of attachment for a customer in the order messages ?
Can the admin add some fees for the refund & exchange process?
Can the admin apply a minimum amount to restrict the customer to cancel their order?
Can the admin provide multiple refund/exchange features on an exchange order?
Can the admin put some customised refund & exchange policy according to the site on the refund & exchange form?
Can the admin put some customised refund policy on the refund form ?
Can the admin set a form for the COD Orders to collect the customer bank details?
How can a customer send an attachment with a refund request ?
How to make the "Refund" button visible on store pages using this plugin ?
How to set the order status for the orders which need to be refunded ?
How to use a mail configuration setting ?
How to use Refund Policy in Mail Configuration basic setting?
Is the client able to request a refund/exchange/ cancel as a guest?
Is the RMA plugin compatible with any automated and advanced Wallet system?
Is there any functionality to keep off the refund/exchange/cancel feature for an order to proceed via COD?
Is there any plugin which is compatible with RMA Return Refund & Exchange for WooCommerce ?
Is there any possibility to redirect the customer to the shop page in the process of choosing a product in submitting an exchange request?
Is there any stock management functionality in this refund management plugin ?
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Points and Rewards for WooCommerce
Can Admin set the Expiration Period of the customer’s points and send the Notification Mail as a reminder of the expiration of points?
Can I reset the points of all the users in a single go?
Can I send or stop specific notification emails in WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin?
Can I use "Purchase through Points" and "Redemption Over Cart Sub-Total" at the same time on my website?
Can we allow customers to convert some of the points to coupons out of their given total points?
Can we edit the order message coming on the cart page?
Can we restrict reward points when the user applies points while placing an order?
Customer can use their points to get a gift, maybe a product at zero price in a special category?
Customers can apply a number of points to get a discount for certain products.
Customers can choose to convert those points to coupons to apply in their cart.
Do you have Points round-off/up options in WooCommerce Rewards plugin?
Does WooCommerce rewards system plugin support API?
From where the admin can set the total number of orders on which the points will be awarded as a reward?
How can admin Notify the customer if they gain points?
How can customers generate the coupon using the point?
How can I change the referral purchase point type from fixed to a percentage?
How can I change the text in your plugin?
How can I set up a membership level? And users can upgrade their membership level. I also want to display membership levels on different pages.
How can i translate your plugin in another language?
How can we notify user on mail for points expiration?
How can we show the loyalty points that a customer has left?
How does the refer feature work in Points and rewards?
How redeemed points work? Can it be used instantly to purchase a product, or needs to be redeemed to a coupon first and use the coupon to get rewards?
How to export the points table?
How to share the points?
I already set the $ point conversion. But it doesn’t show up anywhere and the share button is also not visible.
I couldn't locate where do I setup the points amount for products
I don't know why how much point that customer can get in product hasn't shown up on the page
I dont see the points menu option in the My Account menu in Points and rewards plugin
I want to give points on the user's birthday, is this possible with points and rewards plugin?
I wanted to set the rewards points to equal 1 point per dollar spent on an order. Is there a possibility?
If anyone not using PAR plugin initially and later he/she installs it, will he get any option to upload all his customer on PAR plugin, also can he give points on a loyalty basis to all his customers in one go?
In points and rewards deleting coupons does not work, they are not listed there at all
Is it possible Admin can set the points per product, category wise product and globally?
Is Points and Rewards for WooCommerce Compatible with other plugins/integration?
Is there any possibility to Re-notify the message of points expiration before some days?
Is your plugin WPML Compatible and support multiple languages?
May I know how to save the permalink before I able to see the points page? can u teach me?
On which order status the extra points will be awarded?
The referral directs to the home page, is there anu option to set it on registration page?
What happens when an old order that was completed gets refunded and how does the plugin handle the points that were received from the refunded order?
What is the difference between “Redeem Points Conversion” and “Per $ Points Conversion”
What is the sort code for “view point log”
What's the use of “Enter Product Points”?
Why the social share button doesn't appear on my website?
Will these points will be refunded after any order has been canceled or refunded?
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Membership for WooCommerce
Are there also any shortcodes available in the Membership for WooCommerce extension?
Can I add as many levels of Membership as I want using the Membership for WooCommerce plugin?
Can I have free and recurring memberships at the same time?
Can I schedule recurring payments as well?
Can non-members see offer product prices?
Can we add a payment link for the pending payment in the pdf?
Can we check the in pdf invoice in the new tab?
Can we customize or add css of our own for membership plan page?
Can we make changes in the email content as admin dynamically?
Does membership plugin work with all payment gateways?
Does the Membership for WooCommerce plugin provide the Shortcode to display the membership plan/price?
Does the membership plugin work with any WordPress theme?
From where can I enable the Membership for WooCommerce plans to show on the front end?
I don't know any coding, Can I be able to use WooCommerce Membership plugin?
Is there any facility available in the Membership for WooCommerce Pro plugin to send an email notification to the users before the expiry of their membership?
Is there any ongoing fee for Membership for WooCommerce?
Is there any option in a Membership for WooCommerce plugin to provide the user with lifetime membership or limited membership?
Is there any option in a Membership For WooCommerce Pro plugin to provide the user with lifetime membership or limited membership?
Is there any option in the plugin to show/hide the Membership plans history to the users?
Is there any option so that we can preview the templates?
What are the features regarding the Membership Plans available using the WooCommerce Membership plugin?
What is the basic purpose of using Membership for WooCommerce?
What should I do if the Membership for WooCommerce plugin is not working on my online store?
Where can you find complete user details of All the Members who have purchased the Membership Plans?
Will this Membership for WooCommerce plugin be compatible with my current theme?
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Upsell Order Bump Offer for WooCommerce
Are Offer templates Customizable at back-end?
Are the offer templates customizable from the admin panel?
Can customers directly accept the offer in just one click?
Can I change the location where the offer should be shown?
Can I customize the order bump offers?
Can I offer an upgrade to my customers on the checkout page?
Can I offer subscription products as order bumps?
Can I set different order bumps for different products in the cart?
Can I track the performance of my Order Bumps?
For variable offer products why there is no drop-down to select variation?
How does the countdown timer work?
How to Set up WooCommerce Order Bumps?
I installed the plugin, created Bumps and added the offers too but still, it does not show up on purchasing the targets products, why?
I want to try the order bump plugin before actual purchase.
If the offered product is being added to the cart then isn’t that possible that the customer will add more than 1 quantity? This could lead us to a loss in revenue as well as stock. How could I prevent this?
Is there any free version for this plugin?
My order bump offers on checkout not showing properly, do I need CSS to adjust?
Offers are not showing on checkout page? What to do about this?
Order bump offers and recommendations offers are the same ?
Recommendation offer and normal checkout offer can be shown at same time ?
What are the advantages of using order bumps over upsell?
What happens if a customer has already added the product in the cart that I was going to show as a bump offer?
What happens if the customer has already added the product in the cart that I was going to show as a bump offer?
What happens to the bump offer product if the customer removes the target product from the cart?
What is 'Smart Skip if Already Purchased'?
What is ‘Smart Skip if Already Purchased’?
What is Offer Appearance ?
Which plugins are compatible with Order Bump plugin?
Will it work with variable products?
Woocommerce products not showing correct price ?
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WooCommerce Order Tracker
Can custom order status images replace template existing images?
Can guest users export the order details?
can I integrate your plugin with the shipping services other than you mention in your plugin
Can I use this plugin without Google maps API?
Can we edit or customize the template of the order tracker plugin?
Can we edit the email template of order tracker?
Can we get the notification when order status is changed?
Can we track our order by google map?
Can we track per product instant of whole order?
Can we translate your plugin in different languages?
Can we use any plugin for creating the custom order status?
Do I need to pay extra money for Google Maps API?
Do these order status update manually or automatic?
How do guest users track their order?
How do I change the icons to my own custom ones?
How do my customers track their orders using the WooCommerce Order Tracker Plugin?
How do we apply tracking forms for guest users?
How do we track our order by google map?
How does the WooCommerce Order Tracker Plugin used as shipment tracking with FedEx?
If we are using themes like WP bakery Visual Composer then it will affect templates or plugin functionality?
In your plugin can we change the icons tracking templates?
Is there any short code to display the track order Feature?
Through your plugin can we be able to track by product wise?
What do the order statuses represent in the WooCommerce Order Tracker Plugin?
What is the WooCommerce Order Tracker plugin?
Where do I get my order tracking number?
Will the logged in customers be able to export the order details from their account?
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WooCommerce Partial COD
Are there any options for the admin to deduct the partial COD amount product-wise?
Can we customize the partial deposit message?
Can we set any limits/amounts for applying partial cod?
Can we set the Maximum amount of coupons applied for partial payment?
Can we set the order-wise partial payment?
If we are trying to add some other payment gateway that is not present in your plugin, then what do we have to do?
If we are trying to add some other payment gateway which is not present in your plugin then what we have to do?
Is Partial COD compatible with WCFM multivendor plugin?
Is the partial cod plugin compatible with WPML plugin?
Is there any file in your plugin from where we translate the strings of the plugin?
Is there any functionality present in your plugin where we select the user role for a partial amount for cod?
My customers want to pay the partial payment using the coupon code. Is it possible?
Which Payment gateways does your plugin support?
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WooCommerce Product Variation Table
Can customer use the multiple variation table setting in one Time ?
Can i change all the text of variation table?
Can we add or remove the columns from the table?
Can your plugin also display the stock statuses (in stock, out of stock, on backorder) in the table?
Does WooCommerce Product Variation Table comes with compatibility of WooCommerce Subscription with Variation?
Does your plugin support all the themes?
How many attributes are listed on product page?
How many table structures does your plugin provide?And can we use different table structure for different product
Is it possible to configure the single add to cart button to function without the extra check-boxes?
Is it possible to have two thumbnails per product shown in the table?
Is there any search box when many variations are listed on the product page?
Is there any table in your plugin where we have only one add to cart button?
Is this plugin working on variable product?
Variation table provided by this extension is responsive or not?
When i increase the quantity of product by clicking the quantity button of the table then it is not working?
When i install and activate Product Variation table plugin, it removes widgets form the footer, left and right sidebars from my site.
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WooCommerce Variation Master
Can merchant add the Images/color on swatches?
Can merchant upload variation images in bulk?
Can this plugin handle pricing changes as per variable attributes ?
Does this plugin support attribute import CSV functionality?
Does your plugin shows Color or Image swatches on shop and category pages?
How Can We use swatches for per product attribute?
How many Variations Can be made of each product?
How The variation gallery image will work?
How to enable swatches globally to all variable products?
How would I remove the drop-down option and keep only variation (color/size)?
Is it possible for the variation gallery to appear on load instead of on-click? At the moment, when a variation is browsed to, the gallery won’t load unless you click on another color, and then click the original one again.
Is it possible import attribute swatches image by wp all import? how image to swatch attribute in WordPress all import settings before import?
Is Swatches and Category is visible on the shop line category pages?
We have built our products with 2 variations (colors and sizes) and attributes. My question is- 1)Does this plugin convert the default variations to colors or sizes etc? 2)Are the colors displayed on archive or category page?
We use the WordPress version 4.8.1, is it possible to use the WooCommerce variation master in the new version?
Will merchant get automatic updates installed? Or merchant needs to reinstall the plugin every time there’s an update?
Will the plugin change the look of an option if it’s out of stock? Disable if not available isn’t working ?
Will this work correctly with AVADA theme? And can I increase the swatches image thumbnail greater than 60×60?
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Event Tickets Manager for WooCommerce
As an admin can we resend the ticket mail if the customer didn't receive the mail?
Can Admin add the attendees Manually for the Event?
Can the Admin Export the list of attendees as a CSV file or PDF format in Event Manager plugin?
Can the PDF tickets be downloaded other than by email?
Can we calculate the event product price without the base price?
Can we delete the event on being expired?
Can we display the event location on the tickets and product page?
Can we send the event ticket in processing order status?
Can we translate the Plugin text and string into other languages in Event Tickets Plugin?
Can we translate the plugin text and string into other languages in the Event tickets plugin?
Can we use a barcode instead of a ticket code to validate the tickets at the time of check-in and how we can scan a barcode?
Do WooCommerce Events Manager also Provide online paid Events.
From where Customers can View and Download their tickets?
How are the Tickets sent to the customer with the Event ticket manager plugin?
How are the Tickets sent to the customer?
How can we Create an Event as a Product type?
How can we track the check-ins for any event?
How do you display the interactive calendar widget?
How many payment gateways do the Event Tickets Manager for WooCommerce plugin supports?
How we can track the check-ins for any Event?
I have placed a test order and did not receive any event ticket in my mail. Is anything I am doing wrong?
Is it possible for customers to download their tickets from My Account?
Is it possible that merchant can share the event in Facebook?
Is it possible to add QR code in the event ticket?
Is it possible to increase the event ticket price based on the stocks left?
Is there any option so that we can set prices according to the user type?
Who can use Event Ticket manager plugin?
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Subscriptions for WooCommerce
Can a customer pause and reactivate the subscription plan as per their need?
Can admin create subscriptions with variable type products?
Can admin set the recurring payment for a certain date of the month for any subscription plan ?
Can admin set the start or recurring payment for a certain date of the day/week/month for any subscription plan ?
Can customers add multiple subscriptions in the cart ?
Can I add shipping cost with the subscription order ?
Can I add the shipping cost to the recurring payments?
Can I extend the plan before expiration?
Can I limit the free trial for subscription-based products and services?
Can I set a lifetime subscription for products or services?
Can I show the same product as a subscription or standard product?
Can the customers set the expiration date by themselves?
Can the user downgrade/upgrade the subscription plan for a variable type subscription product?
Can users change credit card details?
Can users have the facility to either pay upfront or subscribe to the product at the same time?
Does it support any WooCommerce Payment gateway?
Does Subscriptions for WooCommerce support REST API?
How can I send notifications and reminders to users?
How to deal with expired subscription renewal?
I am getting an error message while using paypal with the subscription.
I am getting this error “Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state, appearing in WooCommerce checkout
I have setup payment gateway but getting error message on checkout. What should I do?
I’m getting this error while configuring paypal
If order is failed automatic retry attempts happens after how many hours or days?
Is the subscription plan cancelled after certain unsuccessful attempts by a user?
Is there a functionality of automatic retrial of subscription payments on failed attempts?
Is there a functionality to pay manually for a subscription type product ?
Is there any cost for renewing subscriptions?
Is there any functionality to send an email to the user to inform them about the subscription expiration plan before the actual subscription expiration ?
Is there any mail functionality available for different subscription Plans?
Is there any other required addon to the Subscriptions for WooCommerce?
Is there any plugin which is compatible with Subscriptions for WooCommerce Pro?
My payment gateway is not listed, can I use the plugin?
Plugin does not allow more than one subscription purchase
We are getting this message on checkout : “Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state
We are getting this message on checkout : “Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements”
Which addon will I need to export my subscriber's plans and details?
Which payment gateway are compatible with the Subscription for WooCommerce?
Why does it say we must be logged in to checkout a subscription?
Will I have to renew the free products also?
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CRM Integration for ZOHO
Can I sync the user role to Zoho CRM?
Can log store data be deleted automatically?
Can stored log data be deleted automatically?
Can we create custom feeds to sync data?
Can we sync the data manually?
Does this plugin allow for the mapping of product attributes and categories from WooCommerce to ZOHO CRM?
Does this plugin let you map the names of the shipping and billing countries from WooCommerce to Zoho CRM?
How many feeds come with this by default to sync data?
How to set up the connection with Zoho CRM?
How WooCommerce data is synced over Zoho CRM?
Is this plugin compatible with “Membership For WooCommerce”?
What data will be synced over Zoho CRM ?
What does the plugin do?
What feeds do we get with this integration to sync data?
What is Instant Sync?
What is your Customer Support for help we need?
Whenever I make any changes to the WooCommerce order. Will it get reflected in the Zoho CRM as well?
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Wallet System for WooCommerce
Can a customer request to withdraw money from the wallet?
Can a customer request withdrawal for an amount from the wallet ?
Can a customer share their wallet amount with another person ?
Can a wallet user recharge another user’s wallet?
Can admin show all the wallet transactions of their users ?
Can I integrate the Wallet System for WooCommerce with local payment gateways?
Can the admin add some customized messages to display to the users on the withdrawal request page?
Can the admin check all the WooCommerce wallet transactions of their users?
Can the admin export a CSV file of all the wallet transactions?
Can the admin set a minimum/maximum limit on wallet top-up by customers?
Can the admin show a widget for the wallet amount on the frontend?
Can the admin update the wallet amount of all the users at once ?
Can the admin update the wallet amount of all the users at once?
Can the WooCommerce wallet users invite others to join the wallet system?
Can we recharge the wallet from the front end or without an admin dashboard?
Can we recharge the wallet from the frontend or without an admin dashboard ?
Can we refund the order on the plugin wallet ?
Can we send the order refund amount into the customers’ wallets?
Can we update the wallet amount of users individually ?
Can we update the wallet amount of users individually?
Does this plugin Support WordPress Multisite networks?
Does your plugin support currency switching?
How can I customize a wallet rechargeable product?
How can the admin set Wallet as a Payment method in WooCommerce?
How can the admin set Wallet as a Payment method in WooCommerce?
I am unable to find a wallet as a payment method on the checkout page.
Is there any faster way to let wallet users recharge each others’ wallets?
Is there any free version of the WooCommerce Wallet Plugin?
Is there any shortcode for the wallet system for WooCommerce?
Is there functionality in your plugin through which we can notify customers of the wallet balance updates?
Is there functionality in your plugin through which we notify the updated wallet amount ?
Is Wallet partial payment not working when the wallet balance is more than the order total?
Where can I view the list of all Wallet transactions?
which plugins are compatible with wallet system plugin?
Why is wallet partial payment not visible when the order total is less than the wallet balance?
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PDF Generator for WordPress
Can an admin upload the company's logo to display for downloading the PDF to display it for customers?
Can customers directly download the PDF on their local devices?
Can I rename the meta fields for posts, pages, and products?
Can we add more than one image in a single row?
Can we add the meta fields in rows and columns?
Can We Create The PDF Template By Itself From Your Plugin?
Can we display the PDF icon based on the user roles?
Can we download the pdf in bulk or export the pdf in bulk?
Can We Edit The Front/First Page Of The PDF By Itself?
Can we shared the PDF download URL for any post, page or product via WhatsApp?
Can we shift and align the PDF icon anywhere in the page according to our need?
Does PDF Generator Plugin Support Post Meta Date On PDF?
How can customers directly download the PDF on their local devices?
How can one add the PDF button on a single product page?
How many default templates are present in WordPress PDF Generator plugin?
How to place the PDF button appropriately for my uploaded document?
How to remove the blank page in a PDF?
I used the product to assemble a 364 page PDF of all my posts. I ended up creating pdf files with 25 posts each then assembling them into one.
I want to customize the PDF according to my needs including color, layout, font etc. How can I do that?
I want to email the pdf to any email address, Would that be possible with this plugin, if yes How can I do that?
Is is possible to fetch the WooCommerce attributes in the generated PDF files?
Is it possible that we can add author and post name in the footer?
Is the PDF generator plugin compatible with the elementor plugin?
Is there any setting in WordPress PDF Generator plugin where we use our own font family rather than default font in the plugin?
Is WordPress PDF Generator Plugin compatible with Genesis theme or all WordPress themes?
My question is not listed?
Will it support the metadata field ?
Will it work only for logged in users or can the admin can allow it for guest users also?
WordPress PDF Generator plugin will work with other themes which doesn’t show full article on home page?
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Quickbooks Integration for WooCommerce
Can shipping charges syncing be done with this integration plugin?
Can the logs be deleted automatically after some days?
Can this plugin help in creating invoices?
Can we check sync error logs with this plugin?
Can we sync the existing data with QuickBooks Integration for WooCommerce plugin?
How to set up the integration with Quickbooks easily?
How will this plugin Quickbooks Integration for WooCommerce help me?
I don’t want to sync all the data automatically, what options can we opt for?
I’m trying to sync the data but it’s not showing. Am I missing something?
Is the plugin two way sync?
We are getting an “ Attention required” pop-up while mapping feeds with the plugin, how to deal with this?
We need to add more fields as per my business needs, is this possible to do?
We want to delete some data from the plugin, is this possible?
What if plugin is not working or not syncing data?
What is the difference between Bulk sync and One click Sync?
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Keap Integration for WooCommerce
Can we sync orders with this plugin?
Can we sync products data with this plugin?
I want to Sync Historical data of Products ?
Is it possible to create feeds with this plugin?
Is there any authentication given with this plugin?
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Salesforce Integration for WooCommerce
Can this plugin allow mapping of the shipping country name and billing country name over Salesforce from WooCommerce?
Can this plugin be used to map the product attributes and categories over the Salesforce?
Can we create custom feeds to sync data?
Can we sync the order notes data to Salesforce?
Does your solution sync orders with the existing account on Salesforce?
From where will you get the callback URL to be filled while generating the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret ID on Salesforce CRM?
How does the data log created by the Salesforce Integration for WooCommerce plugin help in easy tracking?
How to set up the connection with Salesforce CRM?
Is there any option in the plugin for the Manual Data Sync?
My question is not listed.
What are the basic steps needed to be followed to set up the plugin after authorization with Salesforce CRM?
What details are required while creating the Salesforce feeds?
What feeds do we get with this integration to sync data?
What is the basic information needed to be filled and are the required fields to authorize the Integration with Salesforce for WooCommerce plugin with Salesforce CRM?
What is the basic purpose of using this Salesforce Integration for WooCommerce?
What is the function of the Pricebooks feature available in our Salesforce Integration for WooCommerce plugin?
What is the Instant Sync feature given in our Salesforce Integration for WooCommerce plugin?
What should I do if I have any problems with the plugin?
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Bookings for WooCommerce
Can admin managers customize Email/SMS text used for sending booking reminders?
Can Admin set a maximum booking limit per hour also?
Can the admin filter upcoming bookings as per order status?
Can the admin reject unpaid booking?
Can the calendar for bookings display a booking time along with the booking date?
Can we Customize the Display Color of the Available/Unavailable days in date Picker Calendar?
Can we disable booking for any upcoming holidays?
Can we include a map on our bookable product description page?
Can we set the people type for booking?
Can we set the unavailability of the booking products on a particular month and day?
Can we show the Booking in My Accounts Tab?
Can we show the booking policy to our customers?
Do we have the possibility of creating any bookable service for hour based booking unit?
From where the admin can check all the bookings?
How can an admin share booking products on Facebook?
How can customers utilize the plugin's features to reschedule their booking orders?
How can I send a booking reminder through Text/SMS?
How many types of booking units are present in your plugin?
I have a website that provides booking services, however I don't want to accept more than 30 bookings in a single day. Now what?
Is it feasible for the admin to change the booking's status?
Is it possible for an admin manager to handle bookings for their registered customers from the backend?
Is it possible for the admin to set the booking and non-booking based on days?
Is it possible to add the hidden services with a booking order?
Is it Possible to Mark Multiple days to Unavailable for Bookings?
Is it possible to set the available booking time slot?
Is it possible to set the same price on a particular day as a bulk action?
Is it Possible to Show Booking into Google Calendar?
Is it possible with your Bookings plugin to show the available dates for booking in Green color?
Is the reminder Text-SMS customized template content using any shortcodes or placeholders?
Is there a feature in your plugin that automatically confirms bookings?
Is there a setting in the plugin backend that automates the booking status update after a specified number of days?
Is there any functionality through which the admin can add the services?
Is there possibly a way through which we set up the number of days to send pre-booking reminder Emails/SMS?
Is your Bookings for WooCommerce plugin integrated with Facebook?
What is the appropriate way to add the booking product?
With your Booking plugin can we provide single day booking?
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Product Bulk Editor for WooCommerce
Can the admin edit the virtual products in bulk also?
Can we add custom fields into the table?
Can we filter any product using the product title?
Can we show more columns under the product filter tab where products are listed for example shipping class, product URL, and other columns related to the product?
Can we update price during the sales period using Product bulk editor plugin?
From where the admin can select the products to edit? Is the bulk edit option in the product section?
Is it possible to change the description of variations?
Is there any feature for exporting products in bulk?
What is ‘Posts per page’ and how does this setting work?
What options can be used by the admin filtering the products?
What options do we get to set the title filter?
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Save Cart Later
Can Admin customize the ‘Save For Later’ button according to their requirements?
Can Admin show the ‘Save For Later Button’ only on specific products?
Can we show the save cart later button to Guest users too?
How Can we show the ‘Save Cart For Later’ button only for a particular category?
How does the plugin work?
Is there any time limit for guest users to save the cart for later products?
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Advanced Product Variation
Can the Advanced Variation for WooCommerce plugin show variation swatches Shop and Single product page?
Can the WooCommerce Advanced variation plugin allow users to use the featured image as a swatch of the product?
Does the Product swatches for WooCommerce plugin allow showing the variation galley for each variation?
How many Variations can be made of each product?
Is it possible to hide the add to cart button of the product from the shop page?
Is it possible to import and export the attributes of the product in the variation swatches plugin?
Is it possible to show the variation as an image of the product?
Will the Product variation swatches plugin show the variation table of the product?
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Coupon Referral Program
Can my users share his/her Referral Link to Facebook?
Can the Referred User get something just on Registration/Sign Up?
How to connect with your customer support if needed?
I use the Referral Link and register one new customer with that but still the Referee is not rewarded with any of the Discount Coupons. Am I missing something?
Is it Possible to Check or Download the Report of the Referral Program of the Plugin?
Is it possible to edit the content of the referral pop up content?
Is it possible to prevent fraudulent use by blocking an email domain?
Is it possible to set Personalized referral Reminder Emails to customers who haven't yet referred a friend by this plugin?
Is the text for the referral tab editable?
Is there any shortcode to show the referral coupon code on the shop page?
Is there any shortcode to show the referral tab in any page?
Till how many numbers of orders placed will be giving our customer the “Discount Coupon”?
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WooCommerce Colors and Swatches for Variations
How many Variations Can be made of each product?
How to enable swatches globally to all variable products?
How Would I connect you?
How would I remove the drop-down option and keep only variation (color/size)?
Is it possible to share the product Variation over the social media?
Is it possible to use the same size of swatches globally over the site?
Is this plugin will show the variation of the product as tooltips?
Is your plugin showing Color or Image swatches on shop and category pages?
Will this plugin will not show the out of stock product?
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RMA WCFM For WooCommerce
Can Vendor Manage the refunded Product Stock?
Do I need to get the License updated after every update?
How can vendors manage refund and exchange requests?
How to exactly configure mail settings in WooCommerce RMA for WCFM?
How to provide permission to the vendor to manage the stock post refund?
How to use Refund Policy in the Mail Configuration basic setting for WooCommerce RMA for WCFM plugin?
How will the vendor manage the amount of refund to customer wallets?
What are the prerequisites for using WooCommerce RMA for WCFM?
Where will the vendors find the Refund and Exchange requests?
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Order Sync with Zendesk for WooCommerce
Can I customize and add more contact fields imported from active campaigns on zendesk or the only ones visible are first name, last name and tags?
Having integrated WooCommerce store with Zendesk app and its not synced any order over Zendesk and repeatedly get a 404 error?
How can I install and connect it to WooCommerce and can we also integrate 2 WooCommerce stores to the zendesk app?
How this plugin Zendesk for WooCommerce work?
How WooCommerce order app integrate with your plugin?
What are the dependency of the plugin- Zendesk for WooCommerce?
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Mautic Integration for WooCommerce
Can I assign coupons to contacts in mautic?
Can I sync my store’s old customers to Mautic?
Can I sync my store’s old orders to Mautic?
Do I have to install Mautic separately, before installing your WordPress Mautic WooCommerce Marketing Automation?
Does this plugin creates Segments?
Does this plugin support connection with Mautic.net (Cloud Account)?
Getting error “I’m sorry! I couldn’t find the page you were looking for” while connection setup. Getting 500 internal server error.
Getting problems in creating Mautic custom fields. What should I do?
How can I create a rule for abandoned cart coupons in the Mautic WooCommerce Integration?
How can I sync my past user and their orders data over mautic?
How to add specific tags to contacts in mautic ?
How to set up a new APP in Mautic for getting connection keys?
How to track site visitors in mautic?
I can’t see the API Credentials section in Mautic. What should I do?
Is the Mautic Integration for WooCommerce plugin capture the Abandoned cart data?
Is there any way in the Mautic WooCommerce Integration to add a tag for product attributes?
Is this Mautic integration plugin compatible with mautic 3.x?
Is your plugin compatible with the WooCommerce Events plugin?
The Plugin is disconnected with Mautic and shows notice of re-authorisation. How can I fix it ?
Upon initial setup, all fields displayed throw 404 error.
What is the Field to Field sync feature?
What to do if Mautic for WooCommerce requires re-authorization at least once a day?
What to do if you are facing reauthorization issue, even after clearing the cache?
Which custom fields does the plugin create?
Why is the plugin not getting redirected back and showing some Mautic error?
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Points and Rewards for Tutor LMS
Can I set Points to be awarded on the students Birthday?
Can we award points based on total number of students an instructor is having for a particular course?
Can we award the Points based on user rating?
How can an instructor Redeem their earned points?
How can we assign points for different events for students?
How can we manually manage points with Points and Rewards for Tutor LMS?
How can we restrict Points on login frequency?
How can we set the number of logins for awarding the points to the student?
Is there any way through which a user can refer to someone else?
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Integration with Zoho Books for WooCommerce
Can stored log data be deleted automatically?
Can we create custom feeds to sync data?
Can we sync the data manually?
Contacts and Items feeds are syncing properly but Invoices are not syncing to Zoho Books?
How to connect with your customer support if needed?
How to set up the connection with Zoho Books?
How WooCommerce data is synced over Zoho Books?
What feeds do we get with this integration to sync data?
What is Instant Sync?
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Track Orders For WooCommerce
Can I allow tracking using order ID only?
Does your plugin work with the Twilio plugin to send SMS notifications to users about their order status on their contact number?
How can I enable shipment tracking with Canada Post?
How can I enable the "Track Your Order" popup?
How can I enable users to export their orders?
How can I introduce multiple shipment tracking options for my customers?
How do I enable USPS shipment tracking for WooCommerce?
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